Career Outlook
Projected Regional Growth
  • Biomedical Scientist
  • Industrial Microbiologist
  • Laboratory Technician
  • Professor
  • Researcher
  • Brewing Technician
  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Medical Scientist
  • Biomanufacturing Specialist

For individuals who

Enjoy solving unique, 复杂的问题,并对利用生物有机体创造新技术感兴趣.

Looking for


To become

  • Infectious Disease Expert
  • Microbiologist
  • Public Health Microbiologist
  • Immunologist
  • Laboratory Technician

生物技术可以被认为是使用动物和/或植物细胞的技术的集合, biological molecules, molecular biology processes, and genetic engineering for applications in medicine, agriculture, and the pharmaceutical industry. The technologies include the use of recombinant DNA for gene cloning and gene transfers between organisms; culture of plant and animal cells and tissues; fusion of animal cells or plant protoplast; the regeneration of whole plants from single cells and the large-scale fermentation processes that use some of these novel organisms for the production of pharmaceuticals, diagnostic tests for diseases, feed additives, enzymes, and hormones.

成功的生物技术的例子包括开发抗除草剂或抗虫害的作物, 通过基因工程细菌生产人类生长激素和胰岛素, and the development of unique vaccines.


Biotechnology continues to develop rapidly into new research areas. 调查显示,对受过良好教育的人才的需求将持续高涨. 工作机会在学院和大学的生命科学系找到, private and government research institutes, food production, pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, and biotechnology industries. 本课程的毕业生具有教育背景和实验室经验,可以充分利用这些工作机会. 生物技术课程的毕业生现在是制药行业成功的、富有成效的科学家, agrochemical, and biotechnology companies, 以及法戈和全国各地的政府和私人研究机构.

Scholarship Opportunities

  • Biotechnology Scholarship, ~$200


进入生物技术专业的学生应该有很强的数学背景, including trigonometry, biology, chemistry, physics, writing and computer courses. A composite ACT score of 26 or higher is recommended.



The Curriculum

推荐的学习课程包括发展进入快速发展和变化的生物技术领域所需的特殊技能的课程. In addition to the required courses, 学生可以从各种专业选修科学课程中进行选择,以帮助发展自己感兴趣的特定领域. 生物技术专业的学生必须在指导老师的实验室完成实习或研究项目. The biotechnology program leads to a Bachelor of Science degree.

Program Outcomes

  1. 熟悉生物技术的专业和道德行为.

  2. Identify and explain biotechnology discipline-specific knowledge and concepts.

  3. Describe the process of scholarly inquiry in biotechnology

  4. Perform classical and modern biotech techniques with consistency.

  5. 向选定的受众传达科学成果和科学理解.

  6. Participates effectively as a team member in collaborative work.

  7. 展示专业技能和个人效能,进入就业市场.

  8. Describe their role and begin participating in being civically responsible, contributing citizens, and creating inclusive environments.

Student organizations

我们有一个活跃的生物技术和微生物俱乐部,参观当地与生物技术和微生物有关的企业, 主持目前在微生物学和生物技术领域工作的演讲嘉宾, and meets for social events throughout the year.

The Faculty and Facilities

The faculty who advise, teach, 并担任生物技术项目的研究导师分布在几个学术部门. The departments include plant sciences, biological sciences, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology; animal and range sciences; plant pathology; veterinary and microbiological sciences; and pharmaceutical sciences. 乐虎电子纳米科学与工程中心的几位科学家和美国农业部的校园设施也担任研究导师.

实验室设施和专用设备用于教学和研究. These include animal and plant tissue culture facilities, small animal housing, electron and confocal microscopes, automated DNA sequencing equipment, equipment for performing microarray experiments, and NDSU Core Labs. 核心实验室是共享的尖端研究设施,包括先进的成像和显微镜核心, Core Biology Facility, Core Synthesis and Analytical Services, Biotech Innovation Core, and the Electron Microscopy Core Laboratory, among many other state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.

大多数(大约60%)生物技术项目的毕业生选择在研究生院或专业学校继续他们的教育. 生物技术项目的毕业生获得了许多不同领域的硕士和博士学位, including cellular and molecular biology, biology, microbiology, plant sciences, animal physiology, cancer biology, and virology, at many of the most respected universities in the United States. 我们还提供了一个加速学士科学途径进入微生物学硕士, completed both in 4-5 years.


Graduate School. 生物技术专业强调在课程和研究实验室中的体验式学习,为在研究生院取得成功奠定基础. 我们甚至还提供微生物学硕士速成课程,帮助学生在完成学士学位的同时优化完成研究生学位的时间.